語言 中、英
頁數 192
ISBN 978-988-79297-9-6
定價 HKD98
《愛上阿曼 To Oman with Love》

 「愛上阿曼」 這本書用了中英文雙語,嘗試以兩個不同角度:一個當地人和一個旅客的角度,向大家介紹阿曼。



“To Oman with Love” is bilingual in Chinese and English. Two different perspectives are considered - from an Omani and from a tourist.

 Now let’s consider this fact. Although many people see the Middle East as a region constantly at war, it is also comprised of peaceful countries like Oman which make travelling their desirable. Moreover, Oman is a country dedicated to protecting and conserving its natural resources and environment.

Angel Chow -

「戀上中東」和「情迷伊朗」的作者,喜歡人和文化。曾遠赴澳洲修讀旅遊課程。對旅遊的熱情,源於對這個世界充滿好奇,一直夢想在這短暫人生中,能夠遊遍全世界,沿途結識不同種族的朋友,感受不同文化,感受不一樣的人生。擬定遊歷100個國家為目標,現在標超過90個國家。在每一趟旅途上,都會用眼睛去看,用耳朵去聽和用心與別人交流。重遊阿曼為了與阿曼朋友Mehdi一起合作寫成這本「愛上阿曼」。想讓大家知道中東 除了打杖,還有一些如阿曼和平國家值得旅遊。

 Angel Chow,

the author from “Fall in Love with Middle East” and “Passion in Iran”, loves people and culture.  Having studied tourism in Australia sparked her enthusiasm in travelling and her curiosity with the world.  Her lifelong dream in this short life is to travel around the world and make friends with people from all different types of races whilst doing so.  Become acquainted with various cultures, savour life from different perspectives with an ultimate aim to visit 100 countries, having already achieved 90 countries. On each and every trip she will use her eyes to see, ears to listen and heart to reach out to others.


Back in Oman once again to team up with Omani friend Mehdi to bring about this book “To Oman with Love”, is to emphasise the fact that well worth considering, although the Middle East to many people is a region constantly at War, it is also comprised of many peaceful countries like Oman that make travelling desirable. Moreover, Oman is a country dedicated to protecting and conserving its natural resources and environment.

  Mehdi Jaaffar


是在伊拉克巴格達大學讀學士,美國南加州大學讀碩士,之後在英國格拉斯哥大學讀博士。他同許多相關的人仕聯手增取開發阿曼第一個城市策劃環保工作 - "TheEnvironment Society of Oman (ESO)協會。ESO 是身為阿曼最早期,同時唯一首間非弁利環保機構這幾年內遷發展成為一間強大而有信譽機構。ESO 的工作擔任提供構思和意見的角色,幫到公共機構和私營環保公司,在推廣環保可持續發展概念。由20043ESO創立以來Mehdi 是其中一個創辨人和ESO被選的董事會成員和副主席直至到20144Mehdi 過去近幾年獲獎無數,近期他被頒發海灣合作委員會(GCC) 20102011年傑出個人環保獎。


Mehdi Jaafar has a B.A from University of Baghdad, M.A. from University of Southern California and Ph.D from University of Glasgow.


He joined environmental education and awareness in the mid nineties of the past century before moving into Nature Conservation. He served as the Director General for Nature Conservation. In the summer of 1998 he moved to Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) assuming different roles and responsibilities before concluding his tenure as the Advisor to the Centre for Environment Studies & Research (CES&R) until 2010. Mehdi is a co-founder and ESO’s elected board member and vice president since its official inception in March 2004 until April 2014.


Mehdi has received a number of recognition awards over the years. Most recently he was awarded the “distinguished Environmental Personality” awarded in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for years 2010-2011.